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Areas of practice - Criminal Law Civil Law - Commercial Law                                                                                                                                                                Spanish

Criminal Law

Sánchez-Cervera Abogados specialises in Criminal Law, guaranteeing in-depth technical knowledge in a field in which the fundamental rights of those affected come into play.


We have extensive experience in the field of economic or white collar crime.


We undertake both the defence of accused clients and persons with civil liability in criminal cases, as well as private prosecutions before all types of court representing the victims of crime.


In Spain victims have the possibility to actively take part in crimnal proceedings. They can intervene as private prosecutions, represented by a lawyer. That way they can make sure that they are informed of all the stages of the proceedings, including the investigation and their interests are always represented, also regarding potential damages to be paid by the offender.


We are highly specialised in cases involving:

  •    Economic crime: misappropriation, fraud, corporate crime, concealment of assets, criminal bankruptcy, money laundering and others.
  •        Forgery (public, official, commercial or private documents).
  •        Tax crimes and Social Security offences.
  •       Offences against workers’ rights: especially health and safety offences, in the case of accidents causing injury or death (including manslaughter).
  •        Personal Injury: whether wilful (aggression) or reckless (accidents).
  •        Traffic offences: reckless driving or driving under the effects of alcohol.
  •        Intellectual property offences.
  •        Crimes against property: robbery, petty theft, receiving stolen goods, damages, fraud, etc.
  •        Others: disobedience, bribery, urban planning offences, influence peddling, embezzlement, illegal trading, etc.


We are also highly specialised in extradition proceedings and other international procedures (letters rogatory, international investigations, European Arrest Warrants, European Investigation Orders).


Likewise, we have long experience in Criminal Law involving minors.


We are also highly specialised in criminal compliance, working closely with our clients to implement or review their crime prevention models.



Copyright © 2024 SÁNCHEZ-CERVERA ABOGADOS, S.L. CIF: B87461513 Telf.: (+34) 91 411 48 78 / Fax: (+34) 91 411 50 23. E-mail:

Office: C/ General Oráa, 26 (Madrid - 28006).

Recorded in the Madrid Companies Register in volume 34.303, of the 8th Section, sheet 131, page number M-617104.